Ranjer here~yo~~

'Yes master...?' Melody~

Having pics wif Melody before bringing her to the vet...

This is the first day Ranjer arrived our lovely house~yeah!

This is Melody!! Amazing right...from dirty brown to fury white!!

My princess Melody...hime san~muack~~~

He's getting skinny and skinner...bluh...dont you eat your food...Ranjer??

Doggies, doggies...i really really love them so so so much~~Melody and Ranjer...muack to you all...having these cute-manja-eat-so-much dogs in my life...i really want to thank God fer them...they really coloured my life~ although they bite your precious-expensive-no touch-no touch-shoes...although they fur fly here fly there...although they pee here and there...berak in and out...i still love them...!!
Remember those days when i have big big heavy burden on my shoulder...rmb that night when i cry loudly...those rainy and uncertain days...these two dogs are just beside me...i can cry infront of them without hidding anything...they wil just look at me and lick my tears...AND also ambil peluang to 'kiss' me...bluh...haha~ those memories playing hide-and-seek with both of them are stil so clear in my mind...you can play a fool wif them...but they learn the lesson and next, they fool you back...err...when i have decided to get rid of some fats...lil Ranjer will accompany me running like a stupid girl in my garden...wakaka...i end up bare footed playing hide and seek again~~
I and my brother like to kacau them when they are having their lovely-peaceful-nap...we always walk like a 'cat'...then 'WWAHHHH'...we shout and jump infront them...suprise leh?? they wil get so shock until they stay 3 feets away from you...! wakaka...
Where can i see so nice-cute-lovely-adorable-scene...when they are playing wif each other...climbing on your back...pushing you and sometimes biting...cos too excited...different sex ma...i took lots of videos when they are laying all around the garden~~
'Mel' and 'Rain'...i really do love you guys...dont leave us so fast...stay wif us...as long as you guys can...7...8...maybe 9 or even 10 years...my parents have plan retire wif you guys accompany ya...rmb...stay wif us......i LOVE you...mel and rain~~~

4 Responses
  1. ShyuanT Says:

    haha.. They are so adorable!!! So CUTE!!! who's Mel and Rain? another dogs of urs?

  2. kEnT Says:

    cute cute doggies......i more lik them still small de look...more cute

    this two dogs ar...one male one female...too bad...i feel sorry for ranjer coz too small n short...cant do wat he love to melody...wakaka XD

  3. Nicole Hew Says:

    mayb i should learn 2 knw them beta..
    (at least nearer..)
    1 day..nt nw ..hehe..

  4. めぐみ Says:

    they memang adorable...
    Mel is short form fer Melody...
    Rain is short form fer Ranjer lor...^^

    when dogs grow bigger they also very cute de lor...they really like to manja me de...wakaka~~
    you dirty-minded orang...
    think so much dirty things...
    Ranjer is very happy wif Melody...blek!

    dogs are real real cute...
    they wont bite you if they are yours...
    those pet dogs in house one de also wont bite de larh...no scare no scare...