She is a friend who i knew since form 1,
A friend who is dedicated and crazy.
She is a friend who always stays by my side,
A friend who protects and loves me.
She is a friend who cries with me,
A friend who joke and laugh and get insane together.
She is a friend who helps me,
A friend who never leaves me when i'm in
BIG or tiny little problem.

She is still who she is.
Still the girl i knew years and years ago,
Lol, i L-O-V-E having you as my BFF!!!

We always break into tears when we're having girly talks,
As we know that it's time to express.
We always end up in laughter,
As we know our friendship would last forever.

As we enter this new environment,
Gossip-S are trying to break us up,
Bad words trying to make us crazy,
Jealousy amongst others wanna beat us off,
But there's something they never knew,
As long as you live,
And as long as i live,
We would never blow this friendship off,
As we are still holding our hands tightly.
A knot between us that would never loose so easily,
As we build it up firmly for 7 years!

Maybe we would never chat for days, weeks or even months,
But remember girl,
You're still right inside my heart,
I would never want to leave you,
Never want to leave you alone,
I'm a friend who wants to talk to you, lead you, giving advise or even giving you an april fool joke!

What a friend of mine!
I believe as we appreciate and nurture this relationship,
We would still come out for grandmother talk when we're in our 70's. =)

Wai Siuan,
Friendship forever.
My BFF!!!!
3 Responses
  1. Nicole Hew Says:

    haha..nice post wat~^^
    u suceed 2 mek me "waste my tissue" again..XP
    erm~mayb v'll appear slightly different in d future (cz leng lui d mar..hehe..) frm last time,bt deep inside-wher v store our true heart-it wil nvr change~
    d knot wil b ther permanently,lasting 4eva-proven..^^
    thx 4 luving me..luv ya 2..^^BFF!!

  2. めぐみ Says:

    appear slightly different ya,
    yalor, both of us leng lui liao~! ^^
    surely, the knot wont get loose..
    sure love you larh, if not love you owh? =)

  3. Kaijun Says:

    Really glad that no matter how time pas through, no matter what bad word around both of you. both of you are still friend~ ^^