Argh...got a bad news now..a big thanks to my beloved brother..because of his non-stop playing computer games..and touching the laptop everyday, included SPM trials, my great daddy is going to move this laptop into his school until SPM OVERS~!!!

Wat the..because of this mr. ron..i and mummy get scolded thousand and thousand times..rmb, it's not our fault..!! He is the one who take out the laptop, he's the one who faces it almost 10 hours, he's the one who talk back when scolded by daddy..and i and mummy is the one who get all those 'side-effect'!! We are scolded by him, of letting mr. ron use the laptop..we get scold because he touch the laptop and also not studying..wat the..if you know ron, he'll just shout at you if you interrupted him when he's on him gaming mood..no matter who are you..you'll just get smash by him..

So?? Now i'm the one feeling all these consequences..i cant use this laptop because of him..!! I aint wrong~!! I didnt do anything wrong but get scolding by others..hate all these 'anger recycle'..sometimes wanna just run away from this place..

Good..everything happening now makes me wanna buy my own laptop without getting their permission..i got my own laptop, i'll buy over the wireless which 'owned' by ron..really cant imagine wat the f***...i nid to go throught so many procedur just to get myself on-line~!!

I'll miss you all for this moment..if got chance..i'll try to update myself using alternative ways..haiz...i gotta miss you babe, laptop.............
Here comes my first time..a not-good first time..yup, car accident..walao, memang shui larh..somemore this stupid man hit-and-run argh~!!! Memang got angry by this useless pig..!

When? Yesterday, i mean Monday larh..when i'm going to tuition. What time? Erm, about 6:30pm in the busy evening. Where? Just right infront of the junction of Caltex petrol station. Who? Stupid, useless and damn irresponsible Malay pig, is a man, with his whole family in the car. How? Here comes my story..I was driving to PA tuition yesterday, then i suddently heard a 'pop' sound..i thought my tyre got burst or hit a screwdriver..then i decided to stop in the nearest petrol station, which is Caltex and take a look at my back tyre..just a look..not more than 1 minute even..okok, no problem..then i drive straight to the junction to turn out..dunno where comes this stupid car..according to law, he should line up behind me and wait fer his turn..but that stupid man overtake me from my left just right at my blind spot. I drive out when there is no car.."Scratch, scratch" suddently i found out there is a car just beside me so so so damn close..his car scratch mine..DAMN~

I got so angry and nervous and scare and shock at the same time..(how can i have so many emotions at the same time..@@) I didnt think much, just open the car door, i didnt even hold my handbreak..just get down and scold him..I know he's totally wrong and i'm totally right..I just make him say :" I'm wrong." It's kinda bad, but who ask him to go so near me..i know i'm attractive (perasaan =p) So, i decided to communicate using English, there comes Malay's weakness..he cant speak at all..just " i tak jalan, i tak jalan.." kinda syok when all his family members looking at him, losing when he's talking..wakaka~~ At last, he said :" Pergi report lor." I said :" Pergilah, pergi report, saya tak salah." BUT, that man press on his minyak right away i park my car properly!! He just run away from his doing..wtf!! What is he doing..i got shock..i'm shock anyway..haiz...

I called my daddy..wif shaky hands..and also wif tears..scare ma, first time..after informing him..i still nid to go to tuition..drive to rasah wif shake shake hands..got scare jor..at least still driving at 60km/j larh..Big thx to my frens there..they calm me down and also teach me what to do when all these things happen..Muackz, thank you friends~~Driving home after tuition..got my parents out to see how serious my babe got injurt..my daddy taught me quite alot of 'accident knowledge'..at least i know wat to do if i meet the same thing in the future...Got shock and scare..didnt have my dinner than take rest dy..

Sorry babe..you got injured jor..i know i'm not the one who make you end like this..but gotta admit that sometimes i memang drive quite fast..paiseh..next time will put more effort to take care of you de..Most importantly, i wanna thank God that He protected me from all risk and dangerous stuff..although it's an accident..small one..but i'm not injured at all..gotta pray hard before going out dy...

[ 11:18pm Tuesday]
Just on that day, i read a article about "ugly Malaysian, poor Malaysian and good Malaysian"...as it's common sense..all human beings have their ugly side..but the moral values and ur religion teaching help and stop you from doing really bad and ugly things in life..and just just today in school..i really can testify the UGLYNESS of human being..wtf (i really nid to say tis!)

First, let me introduce those main characters in this ugly act in my class..LOVE BIRDS, teachers call them..we as students call them狗男女..i noe it sounds really bad, but after this post, you're find tat you really HATE them..i do mean wat i said!! The guy, at first he was in st.paul having his secondary..he came in late for form 6 for about 2 months. Character-PROUD, talk loudly, weird voice..feeling to throw out when i hear him speaking, having dont-mess-up-wif-me-face, bad eyes bad nose smelly mouth..believe me, if you have good taste..you WONT choose him as ur bf..!! Next, the girl, she was a chan wa-rian..feedbacks from her primary and secondary frens..quiet gal amongst gals, if a guy sit beside her and make jokes bout her, she wil cry immediately, dont mix wif others, conclusion=good girl...Now, one word, BITCH! Character-dont look into her eyes, she got i-will-kill-you-face (but i'm not scare), bad results, poor emotional control, wil just hit any table and shout at anyone, weak in spiritual and mental and most importantly, no respect of her own BODY! you know wat i mean..Alright, finish intro..

Do you know wat's自知自明??haiz, gotta use some chinese..it's good you know..but those ugly ppl they just throw their dignity on the ground and step on it..they let me have no respect towards them, even 0.0001% i wont have any!! Ok..let me start telling you their actions for these months..let you all understand what attitude they have first..Love birds, ya, they are love birds which touch each other in class. The guy touch the gal physically from head to toe in our class without any respect towards us..come on, it hurts our eyes..they hug, they kiss, they touch here and there infront of us..it has been some tough times for the 2 indian girls which sit behide them..they actually cant concentrate well everyday, with this 2 performancer performing. They are passive kind of student..dont go for extra class, ko-kurikulum and activities in class. End.

So our MUET teacher scold them today in class for being absent or ponteng in other words during exam..they skip 4 papers and just sit for 1. They give stupid reasons like "after i ate the roti canai, i got high fever, running nose and cough" so they got absent for more than 1 week. Next, teacher wanna split them because there are many complains from our class and other classes, complains of their 'kesayangan'..then the guy immediately point to the indian gal behide him and accuse her. Teacher got mad (suppose to) scolding continue..here comes climax..just after the teacher left..the guy stand and scold the indian gal. Where on earth do these ppl come from?!! They did something very wrong in a malay skol, now accusing others and scold others. So, the indian gal talk bak, then the bitch stand up and shout" DIAM CAT LARH NI" The love birds start scolding the indian gal like she was wrong in the first place complaining them. The bitch continue to hit tables and shouting !@#$%^&*(). Wtf..i really cant stand, i walk out from my class, if not i think i'll involved helping the indian gal..no one help out. why?? you'll gotta have lots of prob wif these 2 love birds during ur form 6 life..it's something like自己顾自己..

Few of us sit down and talk about them..those wtf love birds..i'm really sad now..sad, angry and wtf wif their attitude..they have done something really bad to my class (i'm the assit monitor) feel like they come conquer and torture tis class..fuck. Cant stand looking at them as the King and Queen..just cant stand them..as they act normal and usual after tat 'war'..!

The ugly and bad side of them..teachers are telling me that they beat that they wil stop schooling..teachers are waiting for movies..== Anything..i know i cant do much..as just to protect ourselves..cant wait, cant wait that day when they got their surat berhenti sekolah due to their 'kesayangan'..i'm bad, i'm bad for today..haiz..emo emo..well, you like them??

[2:36am Friday]

YO..!! it's been a long time i've not update my blog..SORRY ya..i have been quite busy..erm..not quite, is very busy with many activities..alright..no crapping..let my update you with what i'm been with these days...yo~~

Starting on Monday..i'm involve in a very GREAT camp..."Fight For Christ, 54'C"...heard before?? You must be kidding..no?? If you are a Christian..let me tell you..you wont you wont and you wont want to miss a camp like this...i really do mean it..you wont want to miss a really FIRE camp for Him...!! It's 4 days long, 3 nights...well it is located in Malacca this year, in Watercity..erm..a quite 'good' apartment provided..no comment on it's lodging and food..no comment on it's temperature consious...i dunno whether the manager knows tat here is in Malaysia anot...haha..no comment no comment...BUT listen..I AM REALLY FIRE AND ENERGETIC TO FIGHT FOR CHRIST~!!!!

Personally, i have not been in such powerful camp before..although i'm now having hand, leg, muscle, neck and body ache...you have not experienced before any praise and worship team like the powered youth ones...i can guarantee...nothing just like them..believe me! I heard lots of praising berkaitan of their P&W team before i enter this camp..i really look forward to be with them..oops..the pics i took left in my fren hp..aiya..no chance to share wif you guys..but nvm..i got their web-add in fb..wil tell you guys those link...*wink* During every praise and worhsip..each of us, all campers, 600++ of us, will just jump and jump and praise Him with the lead of powered youth...we kneel and bow down, cry before Him when it's time to worship..those feelings, instruments, skills, environment...all together special just of these powerful team...Praise the Lord we have them~!!

Most importantly..pastor~! Pastor..is the main thing we actually observe during the whole camp...let us welcome Pastor Jay Koopman!! just from California...he is real real wonderful, powerful, fire and agressive i can say...he taught me so so much as i had been in 3 camps in 4 days!! I learn so much..God touched me through Him...he really lead us into the fire of Christ..can you imagine how 600 over campers ever experience God in a conference room just within 2 hours..we bow down and cry, repent before Him like a baby..he can make us do it! He attract all our attention for 4 days..fully 4 days..making us understand and fire up..helping us and encourage us..to walk the next step..bitting up the devil's butt..when he do something dirty..teach us to "shake it off!!" when we meet problems...Pastor Jay, i do admire you~!!!^^

Well, as you know, all youths are now fire up for Him..wat bout you?? it's our time now..youth..stand up and fight for Him ya...!! okok..after this camp..i should have some time to enjoy also...BUT BUT..i got sick immediately..i really mean immediately..right after i came bak to seremban..step in this ground..i caught in a rain..then air cond here air cond there in tuition..then...SICK jor...sob sob...i got 38.8C fever, cough, running nose, headache and whole body pain..tell you, all these symptoms suits H1N1 flu!! I went to hospital for further check up(
i wont want to hurt anyone beside me)..luckily it's not...Phew...but i was still sick for 3 days..no strength to stand at all..sleep 3 days in my bed wif same pyjamas..keke..^^ Right after merdeka day..i oli have chance to join my geng for yamcha until late late midnight...haha~~

Yea..tat's how i spend my short short holiday...erm, school reopen now jor..but i am really really looking forward on next holiday..haha..too lazy jor...bo bian ma..form 6 so tough~~Oh ya..
http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Melaka-Malaysia/Powered-Youth/65501326281?ref=ts , these are the links if you are interested in 54C and powered youth...dont think anymore..you ARE interested..just click and have a look..God bless you!! wakaka^^

It's really cold today..shirvel...so cold cold...i'm still having shorts and t's... [8:59pm-Tuesday]